Crossing the Chasm: The Threads Story – An Old Concept in a New Wrapper

Rahul Kharat
2 min readAug 15, 2023

The world of technology is rife with examples of innovation, disruption, and, at times, replication. Instagram’s Threads app serves as an interesting case in this landscape. Initially seen as a potential rival to Twitter, Threads experienced a meteoric rise followed by a swift decline. While Threads may not be a new innovation, its story provides valuable insights into the concept of crossing the chasm, even when the product is a replica of an existing one.

Crossing the Chasm: A Brief Overview

Crossing the chasm refers to the challenge that new products face when moving from early adopters to the early majority segment of the market. It’s a make-or-break phase in the technology adoption lifecycle. The chasm signifies a gap between visionary early adopters and pragmatic early majority users.

The Rise of Threads: Familiarity Meets Novelty

Threads’ launch capitalized on the existing framework of Twitter, targeting the same text-based social platform. The early adopters, driven by intrigue and the connection to Instagram, flocked to Threads, leading to an unprecedented growth rate. Its replication of a familiar concept added to the early success.

The Fall of Threads: The Chasm is Still Real

The decline of Threads is a stark reminder that even replicas of successful models can fall into the chasm. A 79% decrease in app usage within a month highlights some key challenges:

1. Lack of Uniqueness:

Though Threads replicated Twitter’s successful model, it failed to provide something distinctive to entice the broader market. The early majority, being more pragmatic, needs more than just novelty.

2. Lack of Engagement and Resonance:

Similar to new innovations, Threads faced difficulties in resonating with a broader audience. The intriguing content that kept Twitter users engaged was missing from Threads, making the crossing of the chasm even more challenging.

Valuable Insights: Crossing the Chasm Applies to All

The Threads story offers some insightful lessons:

1. Replication is Not Enough:

Simply replicating an existing successful model does not guarantee success. Understanding the market, even with a familiar product, is essential.

2. The Chasm Exists for All:

Whether it’s a groundbreaking innovation or a reiteration of an existing concept, the challenge of crossing the chasm remains. The early majority’s needs and wants must be understood and addressed, regardless of the novelty or familiarity of the product.

Threads’ rise and fall is not just a tale of a failed attempt to rival Twitter; it’s a lesson that the principles of crossing the chasm apply universally. Even a product modeled after a successful platform must navigate the complex dynamics of market adoption. The story of Threads underscores the importance of differentiation, engagement, and a keen understanding of the market, whether dealing with innovation or replication.

“Even a familiar path requires careful navigation.”



Rahul Kharat

Explorer | AI Consultant, CXO Advisory | 18 Patents | 2 International Publications | |